Author: mark10

Jana, it’s a pleasure to have you with us at MarTech Cube. To start off, could you give us a brief overview of your professional journey and what led you... Read More

Ed, how can organizations align CFOs and CMOs on marketing’s revenue potential? What steps ensure their collaboration benefits the organization? Historically, marketers have often been urged to “speak the language of... Read More

With businesses moving into a digitized world, digital marketing has become essential to any company’s success. To keep up with constant changes in consumer habits, traditional strategies are gradually becoming... Read More

As a fact the current landscape of the marketing realm is undergoing significant pressure to keep their clientele. Given that the cost of customer acquisition is always higher than that... Read More

Stephanie, would you kindly share a brief overview of your professional journey that led to founding PartnerCentric? During my junior year of university, I interned at Scholastic Book Publishing Company. They... Read More

Daniela, before we dive in, could you please share a bit about your professional background and role as Executive Vice President of North America at VTEX? Certainly! I am the Executive... Read More

What are Small to Mid Sized Business Owners Wishing for this Holiday Season? Whatever you wish for, my educated guess is it won’t be more work.The holidays are a busy time... Read More

Brands are continually being handed ever-more powerful lenses to scrutinize campaign impact. But while advanced measurement tools provide sharper clarity around what happens to ads after delivery, most tend to... Read More